Swimfan (2003)

In the mad scramble to appeal to America's most popular demographic -- the spend-happy teen-ager -- Hollywood has apparently given up on trying to concoct intelligent, original products. Pictures like Donnie Darko fall by the wayside, apart from the few hip, smart kids willing to give it a shot. Studios are opting instead to take popular adult-oriented projects, recast them with teens, and then take out all the objectionable bits that made the originals worth watching in order to earn a coveted PG-13 rating. Take Swimfan, for example, which is basically Dawson's Creek meets Fatal Attraction, with cutie-pie Jesse Bradford as a high school swim jock trying to put his drug-abusing, bad-boy days behind him and stroke his way to a college scholarship. But after a night of aquatic hanky-panky with the new girl in school (Erika Christensen), he's suddenly on the business end of a good, old-fashioned stalking. Predictible and pointless, it's not even worth renting for the beefcake (which, despite the trailers and the picture above, is sadly in short supply), and Christensen is about as menacing as a chained Pomeranian. The DVD contains director and actor commentaries; trailers; deleted scenes; a making-of featurette; full- or widescreen formats.