What The New York Times says about Kate Clinton:

“Quick-witted, clear-spoken … She has developed a bizarrely logical, seemingly free-associating style of delivery [and] had this critic in tears from laughing so hard.”


WHEN: Feb. 22, 2013
WHERE: Youth Orchestra Hall

4401 Trail Lake Drive

Fort Worth, Texas 76109
TICKETS: $21.25 for regular tickets; $41.25 for reserved seats; $51.25 for regular tickets and reception with Kate before the show; and $71.25 for reserved seats and reception with Kate. To order, CLICK HERE.

QCinema is thrilled to be partnering with Open Door Productions for An Evening With Kate Clinton. This comedy legend is one of the stand-up world’s first openly gay comics and has since become a comedy legend. Kate’s tour in 2013 will make stops throughout the U.S. and Canada. Her previous tours include: All Fracked Up (2012), The GLEE Party (2011), Lady HAHA ( 2010),Yes on K8 (2009), Hilarity Clinton (2008) and Climate Change (2007). In April, 2010 Kate took part in Back to Back, a special performance with Lily Tomlin in New York. In 2006, Clinton celebrated her 25th Anniversary of performing with a 50-city It’s Come To This! tour. A documentary DVD of her hilarious performance is available with extra features along the tour route, of rare interviews, backstage banter, readings from her book and celebrity cameo appearances. For more on Kate. go to
